James W. Green III (access email via this link)
Ira Marchbanks, Irene Slocum Marchbanks, Stuart Baillie Strong
Banks, Marchbanks, Marchbank, Marjoribanks, Marshbanks
This project was started on February 1, 2009, and is open to all who are descendants of anyone spelling their name Marjoribanks or any derivative, such as Marchbanks, Marchbank, Marshbanks, Marshbank, and Banks.
Joining the Project will allow a participant to gain a substantial discount in having DNA tests run.
People may join the project on the Family Tree DNA web page (click this link) or have their test done on Ancestry and have their results transferred to Family Tree DNA.
Please email the administrator James W. Green III (access email via this link) with information about your connection to this family group at the same time you join.
Prior approval to join is not required.
1) To determine how many unrelated men have taken the Marjoribanks/Marchbanks name.
2) To find markers that will distinguish between branches that we have been able to
connect using research of records.
3) To find markers that will distinguish between branches that we have NOT been able to connect using research of records.
4) To discover if unconnected branches will connect, saving futile efforts.
5) To discover our prehistoric ancestry (haplogroups).
Some Achievements to date
a) the Marjoribanks of that Ilk and the Marjoribanks of Lees branches are definitely descended from a common Marjoribanks ancestor – presumably Thomas Marjoribanks of Ratho who lived in the 16th century in Scotland.
b) the Bankses are descended from a Samuel Banks born in 1770 in Perthshire and whose ancestors lived in Kirkpatrick Juxta in the Scottish Borders. They are rather more distantly but still definitely linked with the Ilk and Lees branches – possibly via Philip Marjoribanks (father of Thomas of Ratho) and the branch that stayed in the Marjoribanks region in the Parish of Kirkpatrick Juxta that eventually died out.
c) the “George the Jacobite” descendants have no proven genetic link in their male line with the Ilk, Lees or Banks branches (George Marjoribanks was a Jacobite soldier who was captured by the English army and transported to Virginia, USA, in 1716). George was probably given his surname being a tenant farmer or worker on the estate, along with the more distantly related Marjoribankses such as Samuel Banks’ ancestors. Perhaps George’s ancestors took the surname because they had a Marjoribanks female ancestor.
Project Statistics (as of January 2021)
Statistic Type | Count |
Big Y | 16 |
Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded | 10 |
DISTINCT mtDNA Haplogroups | 13 |
DISTINCT Y-DNA Confirmed Haplogroups | 18 |
DISTINCT Y-DNA Predicted Haplogroups | 0 |
Family Finder | 42 |
Maternal Ancestor Information | 39 |
mtDNA | 14 |
mtDNA Full Sequence | 13 |
mtDNA Plus | 13 |
mtDNA Subgroups | 0 |
Paternal Ancestor Information | 52 |
Predicted Y -DNA Haplogroups |
17 |
Total Members | 73 |
Unpredicted Y-DNA Haplogroups | 0 |
Unreturned Kits | 16 |
Y-DNA Deep Clade (After 2008) | 7 |
Y-DNA Subgroups | 6 |
Y-DNA111 | 23 |
Y-DNA12 | 39 |
Y-DNA25 | 38 |
Y-DNA37 | 38 |
Y-DNA67 | 29 |

James Green III and a Marjoribanks genealogy chart

Example of Family Finder DNA results

Family tree of the Marjoribanks of that Ilk and the Marjoribanks of Lees